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Oil cooler

Why a hydraulic oil cooler?

There is always some degree of loss in a hydraulic system, for example due to leakage oil from a hydraulic pump or engine. Loss in a hydraulic system usually translates into heat generation. To capture this heat, one should always ensure that the oil tank is about 2.5 to 3 times the flow delivered.

In case the tank cannot be chosen large enough due to lack of space, or if the system is very heavily loaded and used, the heat developed as a result should be dissipated by means of a suitable oil cooler.


In the operation of a hydraulic oil cooler, we assume an air oil cooler. In an air oil cooler, the oil in the system is cooled by a fan that forces outside air through a cooling block/radiator. The cooling block is an aluminium block with a large amount of finely meshed oil channels. The channels have a large surface area externally, allowing the oil inside to cool quickly. The fan is usually electrically driven, but there are also variants where this is hydraulically driven.

In most systems where a cooler is used, it is fitted with a controller and a thermostat. This is to keep the desired temperature as constant as possible.


An oil cooler is thus used to dissipate unwanted and excess heat in a hydraulic system. A cooler in the system brings a few more benefits. The hydraulic components and the oil will have a longer service life because there will be a constant temperature in the system and less condensation in the system. The efficiency of the system will also be more stable because there is less change in the temperature of the components.

If, when building a hydraulic system, you are in doubt about using a cooler, ask whether a tank can be installed that is large enough, as well as how intensively the system will be used. 

Which oil cooler should I have?

Of course, which oil cooler you need differs per hydraulic system. To make the right choice for yourself, it is useful to have a clear picture of the following points:
  • How much power needs to be cooled down?
  • What is the oil flow?
  • How many degrees is the input air?
  • How many degrees is the input oil?
  • What is the pressure drop across the cooler?
  • What is the viscosity of my oil?

    Still have more questions about buying a hydraulic oil cooler? Then don't hesitate to contact us!

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